package Modules; import Controll.GuildController; import Controll.SuperModule; import IO.JSON; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; public class Quote extends SuperModule{ private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Quote.class); public static final String command = "quote"; static final String QUOTE_LOCATION = "Quotes.json"; public Quote(GuildController guildController){ super(command, guildController); if(JSON.loadJson(QUOTE_LOCATION) == null){ JSON.saveJson(new JSONArray(), QUOTE_LOCATION); } } @Override public String getCommand() { return command; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "`quote` shows random quote\n`quote id #NUMBER` show specific quote\n`quote new QUOTE - AUTHOR` adds new quote to the system"; } @Override public void execute(GenericEvent event) { if (event instanceof GuildMessageReceivedEvent) { GuildMessageReceivedEvent thisEvent = (GuildMessageReceivedEvent) event; if (!isCommand(thisEvent.getMessage())) return; logger.debug(command + "triggered"); /////////////////// // ADD NEW QUOTE /////////////////// if (thisEvent.getMessage().getContentRaw().matches("(?is:" + getGuildController().getPREFIX() + command + " (new|add) .*)")) { logger.debug("safe new Quote"); // Prep new Quote Object JSONObject newQuote = new JSONObject(); newQuote.put("text", thisEvent.getMessage().getContentRaw() .replaceAll("(?is:" + getGuildController().getPREFIX() + command + " (new|add) )", "") .replaceAll("(?is:-.*$)","")); newQuote.put("date", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date())); if (thisEvent.getMessage().getContentRaw().contains("-")) newQuote.put("author", thisEvent.getMessage().getContentRaw().replaceAll("(?is:[^-]*- )", "")); JSONArray arr = JSON.loadJson(QUOTE_LOCATION); boolean exists = false; // go through all Guilds for (Object o: arr){ //Filter for the right guild JSONObject guilds = (JSONObject) o; if (guilds.get("guildID").equals(getGuildController().getGUILD_ID())){ arr.remove(o); // Remove old object JSONArray guildQuotes = (JSONArray) guilds.get("quotes"); // get old Quotes guildQuotes.add(newQuote); // add new Quote JSONObject editedGuild = new JSONObject(); // safe guild editedGuild.put("guildID", getGuildController().getGUILD_ID()); editedGuild.put("quotes", guildQuotes); arr.add(editedGuild); exists = true; // set flag break; } } if (!exists){ // if flag not set create new Guild JSONObject newGuild = new JSONObject(); newGuild.put("guildID", getGuildController().getGUILD_ID()); JSONArray newQuotes = new JSONArray(); newQuotes.add(newQuote); newGuild.put("quotes", newQuotes); arr.add(newGuild); } // Safe data JSON.saveJson(arr, QUOTE_LOCATION); thisEvent.getMessage().delete().queue(); /////////////////// // PICK QUOTE BY ID /////////////////// } else if (thisEvent.getMessage().getContentRaw().matches("(?is:" + getGuildController().getPREFIX() + command + " id #[0-9]+.*)")){ logger.debug("pick Quote by ID"); //STUB /////////////////// // RandomPick /////////////////// } else { logger.debug("random quote pick"); JSONArray arr = JSON.loadJson(QUOTE_LOCATION); for (Object o : arr){ JSONObject guild = (JSONObject) o; if (guild.get("guildID").equals(getGuildController().getGUILD_ID())){ JSONArray quotes = (JSONArray) guild.get("quotes"); JSONObject quote = null; int i = 0; // Get Random Quote Object do { quote = (JSONObject) quotes.get(new Random().nextInt(quotes.size())); i++; if (i > quotes.size()) return; } while (quote == null); // Build message EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); // get text eb.setDescription(quote.get("text").toString()); // get Date try { eb.setTimestamp(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(quote.get("date").toString()).toInstant()); } catch (ParseException e){ logger.error(e.toString()); } //get Author if exists if (quote.containsKey("author")){ eb.setAuthor(quote.get("author").toString()); } thisEvent.getChannel().sendMessage(; break; } } } //Delete command thisEvent.getMessage().delete().queue(); } } @Override public String showSettings() { JSONArray arr = JSON.loadJson(QUOTE_LOCATION); for (Object o : arr) { JSONObject guild = (JSONObject) o; if (guild.get("guildID").equals(getGuildController().getGUILD_ID())) { return "NUMBER OF QUOTES: `" + ((JSONArray) guild.get("quotes")).size() + "`"; } } return "NUMBER OF QUOTES: `0`"; } }